Calverton Parish Council have a defibrillator available which is located at Calverton Village Hall.
This is situated on the left hand side of the building near the entrance to Wm. Lee Memorial Hall adjacent to the door to the changing rooms.
The unit is in a lockable cabinet. If you need access please call 999 and the operator will provide you with the code to access the unit.
Please note that this unit is only accessible when the Village Hall and Park is open.
We are aware other units are also available at
- Calverton Working Mens Club
- Calverton Leisure Centre (Restricted access)
- Labray Scout and Guide Hut
- Sir John Sherbrooke School
REMEMBER : In an emergency it is recommended to dial 999 who will direct you to the nearest available units as there may be restricted access to some units
The DefibFinder website (link provided below) provides information on all publically accessible defibrillators
They provide up to date information on defibrillator locations across the UK, using data from The Circuit, the national defibrillator network. Enter your location to find the nearest defibrillators to you. Then simply click on the defibrillator icons for further information, such as availability, access information and directions.
Disclaimer: Please always dial 999 immediately in an emergency and they will direct you to your nearest defibrillator.